Combining the art reflexology, counselling and reiki together to give a truly holistic approach to the mind body and soul connection

Reflexology reflects the map of your body systems in your feet, yet overlaying this is also a spiritual map and a emotional map.
Signs, symbols, pictures and even letters on your feet are interpreted and reflected back to you in an intuitive and compassionate way, facilitating an authentic spiritual (sole to soul) experience in which secrets of your feet, soul and sole are revealed in a safe and healing environment.
Absolutely everything is mapped upon your feet, your personality your characteristic traits and your life experiences, these can be as fleeting as what’s happened this morning, or as deep as something that is carried through your family line in ancestral karmic trauma.
- promotes relaxation
- relieves pains and tension
- improves circulation
- improves cognitive function
This can be seen through photographs too as well as in the flesh, therefore I am also able to offer this service remotely.